Joseph Barkate

Full-Stack Web Developer

Dell Standard Price List

2018-09-01 Joseph Barkateprojects

As a senior developer on the origin team of Dell’s standard price list application Joseph worked on a client facing application commonly used to sell to large Dell distributors. While working there he used Angular with TypeScript for frond-end and .NET core for back-end work. He wrote APIs to communicate with both the MongoDB and SQL databases and wrote processors to consume multiple Dell services with RabbitMQ and NSB.

Experiance with older technologies and migration into new frameworks.

Joseph also contributed to the development team’s migration to Pivotal Cloud Foundry from Octopus deploy. While on the team Joseph rewrote/re-factored JavaScript into typescript for the essential rewrite from an outdated AngularJs to Angular 7. Throughout the sprints and re-factoring Joseph worked closely with project owners to understand business requirements in order to write efficient readability unit tests for both .Net and AngularJS/7 components. This coordination similarly took place with SDET to define stories definition of done and to write end to end regression tests. By working on an Agile team Joseph volunteered to write end to end tests using selenium when SDETs were swamped with regression tests usually near releases.

import { Bootstrap } from "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
import { Translate } from "translate";
import colors from "./colors";

For user interface designs Joseph worked alongside Dell’s UX team to create responsive components using custom in house components, themes, and colors. Being a global facing application, multiple countries/regions with multiple languages required translation for product information and descriptions using translation services.

Team player with Agile mindset.

Dell’s Standard Price List team employed a continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline bi-sprintly. This translate to deployments into production every month. While Dell’s Price List is a Global client facing application, the number one region of business for the application was North America meaning pushes to production always occurred off standard work hours. For release readiness Joseph was required to provide support off hours and volunteered for off hour health checks of databases and messaging systems.


Seen above is another area Joseph worked on, user authentication. Different customers from different regions have preferences set for how their preference on how they want to view the price list. The preferences includes language, currency and product history.

Accomplishments and Responsbilities

  • APIs built in .NET 4 with C# and LINQ utilizing content management libraries for varying regions.
  • Angular JS/7 was used alongside Dell design library (Dell bootstrap) for UI.
  • Wrote process for multiple internal Dell micro-services and service frameworks.
  • Designed and maintained REST services for internal and external APIs.
  • Production / release support developer on out of office hours.

Project Technologies / Products

  • Angular 7
  • AngularJS
  • .NET 4
  • C#
  • Typescript / Javascript
  • RabbitMQ, NServiceBus
  • Pivotal Cloud Foundary
  • Octopus Deploy / TeamCity
  • Github / Gitlab / SonorQube